Tuesday, June 9, 2020


"If you try too hard to impress, you end up depressed" MAN

"Those who shout the most get the most attention" MAN

"When you make it, show others how to do it" MAN

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Agoo!! Agoo!! Shhh!! Shhh!!
What is this that I hear? What is this that I feel?
I can sense excitement in the air.
There is music and merry making
In my curiosity I drew near
Behold, there stood the mini twin towers
Built at the heart of odomankoma’s own suapon KNUST
As I drew nearer, I could hear voices
The whispers were that of praise
Praise for a mother.
Praise for the mighty oak
The tree whose branches know no bounds
And offers shelter to all and sundry
From the North to the South
Continued from the East to the West
Across the continent and beyond the seas
They have all come,
Gathered together to celebrate her goodness
They recounted of her many exploits
That she just turned 2 scores and 10.
The bearer of bearers has chalked half a century
The citadel of wisdom has aged.
Has aged graciously in admiration
She is supple and fresh and has not lost her charm
The mother hen that nurtures her own kind has a mission
The bearer of nation bearers has not lost her passion
Your influence on your generation is immeasurable
I see it in your many offspring and how well placed they are in society
Sowing seeds in their various fields of endeavor
I know of the housewives and teachers
I am very much aware of the entrepreneurs and the socialites
I have been told of the scientists and engineers and all the other professionals birthed
And the excellence they portray everywhere they go
But I know, yes I know that you are not done with us
That you will remain fertile forever, that you would continue to conceive nation builders
What shall I do in return for your love, what can I say for your immense impact. I can eulogize you for days unending and hail you till the rains come
But there is tomorrow and so must words end at dawn.
I only have this to offer, a token of gratitude, a song of gold.
Composed by: Marian Asantewah Nkansah on 3rd June 2017 in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Africa Hall, KNUST


Agriculture binds farmers together
Biology binds siblings together
Chemistry binds couples together
Demography binds communities together
Entomology brings insects together
Futurology holds the unknown together
Geography brings nations together
History brings stories together
Illustration brings artists together
Justice binds humanity together
Kinetics brings speeds together
Linguistics brings languages together
Mathematics binds numbers together
Nutrition brings diets together
Organists bring music together
Physics binds friends together
Questions brings students together
Research brings scientists together
Sociology brings cultures together
Theology brings the religious together
Urologists bring men together
Veterinary brings animals together
Waiters bring hungry people together
Xylophone brings sounds together
Yard master brings trains together
Zoology brings animals together
Above everything else, love binds the world together, holds it together and keeps it going round
Marian Asantewah Nkansah (December 2011)

You taught them all and so they taught

   "TRIBUTE TO A PROFESSOR EMERITUS: A CHEMISTRY LEGEND" who was burried on 21st January,  2016"

You taught them all and so they taught
You taught the retired professor
You taught the professor the retired professor taught
You taught those who were taught by the professor you taught who was taught by the retired professor who you taught that they might ‘prophesy’ one day after having taught
You taught organic chemistry as effortlessly as gathering of pebbles from the seashore
You spoke the queens English so eloquently that none could get bored
You commanded the science from empirical formula determination to mechanisms of reactions and left your audience with awe
You will not practice mediocrity nor tolerate it because that left your head sore
You kept to time and the discipline of chemistry with a nature so pristine
 You taught four generations of scientists from the league of your peers to those grandchildren alike
You taught them all and mentored them all that they may also teach and mentor
You excelled to what to your peers was but a dream
You conducted your affairs like you had a call what to others was like a chore
You chalked laurels both as an academic and a statesman
Yet you will yield to annihilation like all earthly bodies will
A pivot has lost its balance and lost its inertia. Indeed a great molecule has expired from its known state
Evaporated to extinction beyond mortal repair
We despair not for you transition to interment
A transition state unseen with the naked eye unaided
Yet known to exist and perceived by those who know
You leave this temporal state to a place better to go
You leave this transient state to a form to equilibrium so close
You leave this ephemeral world to transcend all odds
That you may be at rest. At rest for that which matters
And had mattered right from the start
The rest, the place of rest for all matter. At rest in eternal inertia
The ultimate fate of all matter that exists and ever will"
Adieu Professor Francis Addo Kufuor
Rest in Perfect Peace

Thursday, June 4, 2020



"COVID-19 has exposed our strengths and vulnerabilities as humans of nations. These challenges are universal irrespective of age, gender, race or creed. STI cooperation going forward should be driven by our shared humanity and the quest for a better co-existence (MAN)"

"Speaking the truth is always liberating.  Don't keep up appearances (MAN)"

"Life is a journey but never linear. Do not expect to always be at par with those your started with. Contentment is key irrespective of where you occupy on the ladder (MAN)"

"Universities world wide are established with unique statutes to serve a specific purpose. An attempt to unify how universities are run is tantamount to dimming the shine that diversity and heterogeneity brings to the system (MAN)"

"When the sun goes down on you, don't forget about the moonlight (MAN)"

"Keep that smile on. You may be the only source of light in someone's dark world (MAN)"

"The joy of seeing the fruit of your labour endure is beyond all honour (MAN)"

"The human experience is best lived when shared with others (MAN)"

"Don't be too attached to a place or a thing. Keep evolving (MAN)"

"Sometimes the uncertainties are the drivers we need for the next hurdle" MAN


 A PLATINUM ODE Agoo!! Agoo!! Shhh!! Shhh!!  What is this that I hear? What is this that I feel?  I can sense excitement in the air.  There ...