Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Have you ever wondered how children can sit through replays of their favorite
Lion King or Little Mermaid video? It amazes me that they’ll watch the same show everyday without a single complaint or request for something new. What’s more amazing, though, is that adults do the very same thing with their days. The majority of men and women play “movies” in their heads day after day relentlessly focusing on past events, most of which are unpleasant and disturbing experiences. If they’re actually able to stop their contemplation of past events, then they allow impressions of their current surroundings and recent results to govern their thoughts. If they contemplate the future it is usually by worrying about it, or wishing that something better might come along. Then they wonder why bad things keep happening to them, or why they never rise above the issues and obstacles in their lives.While it is true that people are free to think anything they please, as long as they remain set in their ways, there is very little that can be done to change the unpleasant experiences that keep cropping up in their lives.

Recently, the study of the mind and its veritable unearthly power is at last taking its proper place in modern civilization. Proper use of the mind and its various faculties will give you anything you choose – but the emphasis here is on the word “proper.” To move in this direction requires study and focused, consistent effort with a good measure of creativity stirred in.
Just as the oak tree develops from the gene that lies within the acorn and a bird develops from the gene that lies asleep in the egg, so too will your achievements grow from the organized plans that first begin with your imagination. An image in your mind is the first stage of the creative process in life. From your imagination your visions and plans arise.
In his best selling book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote, “You will never have a definite purpose in life; you will never have self confidence; you will never have initiative and leadership unless you first create these qualities in your imagination and see yourself in possession of them.” He went on to say, “... imagination is the most marvellous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known.”

There is a concept called “Fantasy - Theory - Fact.” The premise underlying this concept is that everything has its origination in the form of Fantasy, which some adventurous souls dare turn into a theory and then boldly turn into fact.
Give this serious thought for a moment. The idea of moon landings,
communicating by email, traveling on jets, cellular phones or wearing synthetic garments was, a very short time ago, sheer fantasy. Today, they are considered commonplace. Your marvelous mind has factors that you can, with little effort, develop to use to improve the quality of life, not just for yourself, but for human kind. Imagination is one of those creative faculties. The individuals who were responsible for the conception and creation of the email, cell phones and any of the thousands of modern conveniences we enjoy today had a highly developed imagination. Furthermore, they were not easily influenced by the opinions of the masses, the naysayers who historically have criticized and ridiculed anything they do not understand. These pioneers used their mental faculties to fantasize, to build wild and wonderful pictures in their mind. Then, holding their thought with their will, they watched their fantasy unfold into a theory and then into fact.
They seemed to have an innate awareness that if they could visualize it, they could do it. Use this power to let your mind play. Fantasize a much better life than you presently enjoy. Draft your future with imagination, ponder and calculate with intelligence and awareness, then knit it carefully with care. Next, devise paths and find tools to help get you there. Commit to reach new goals. The only barrier separating you from your goal is ignorance – ignorance of how simple, and simply powerful, your mind really is.

Bob Proctor is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Law of Attraction. Featured in the blockbuster hit, The Secret, Proctor has worked in the area of mind potential for over 40 years, is the best-selling author of You Were Born Rich, and has transformed the lives of millions through his books, seminars, courses and personal coaching.

Monday, September 27, 2010


The more I see different places, the more I appreciate my homeland Ghana. A land of rich resources, excellent talents, rich culture, racial tolerance, excellent climate and beautiful sociable people.
The level of civilisation in Ghana is overwhelming and sometimes one is shocked with the realisation that you are even more exposed than someone from a generally perceived well off location of the globe. 

The world indeed has become a global village. I always have get eye brows raised when mediocrity displeases me when the general song is ‘it’s so nice’. Sometimes I go like what is so nice about that? Or am I so difficult to please? Yes indeed it takes something ‘really good’ to awe me. This is because I come from a country where one can have 24 hrs of internet connection together with telephone calls and pay a monthly subscription of less than $ 500. Where one can own a land in a city with $ 6000. Do you know that it is unlawful for an individual to own land in most countries? A country where people can afford the luxury of all modes and brands of automobile even the one made today? I come from Kwahu Obomeng in the Eastern region, and I bet you some of the buildings you find at the Kwahu ridge could pass for ‘tourist’ attractions or ‘national heritage’ elsewhere lol. Our famous east legon, cantonments, airport residential, University staff accommodation and other bungalows can pass for residents in modern cities world wide. I still think there is still room for a whole lot more improvement.
The average 3 star hotel like Busua, Miklin or Pink panther comes with sparkling clear rooms, bathrooms and scenery. You will be amazed to discover that hotel standards in some of the perceived well off nations are so low as having bed bugs in rooms. I am sure if this happened in Ghana, it will have been a talk show discussion for a month. Some 3 star hotels in supposed well off nations have brownish bath tubs and toilets. Sometimes you wonder if the stars are ‘permanent’ or ‘shooting stars’ J
I can go on and on. But the point I am trying to drive home is that, Ghanaians are conscious of ‘what is good’ and demand it from stakeholders everyday hence the continuous rambling in the news when things don’t work as expected.

Personally I think Ghana has not done badly as a nation. This is in no way encouraging self complacency but a call to self appreciation. We need to appreciate the daily little achievements and successes we chalk as a people. People are too ‘negative’ and only see the wrong things that happen. Even though we are justified to demand excellence, appreciating the little successes and trumpeting them the way we trumpet evil will go a long way to give hope and encouragement for improvement.
It is about time for us to tell the ‘good’ story of Africa and Ghana in particular that the world never tells aside war, famine and disease.

This is because; global politics is all about ideas and perceptions. ‘Tell people the same story over and over again and that is what they will believe’. Tell them they are 3rd world and incapable of making it on their own, and so it has been.

I think it is about time the Ghanaian youth is inculcated with ‘self belief’ that we can build our nation on our own and not to fold their arms awaiting the next available plane to ‘abrokyire’ where people with masters degrees wash dishes. This is not to demean any profession but to encourage the youth to return home after gaining education and experience elsewhere. I was once listening to a preacher who said:
‘If you don’t say you are, no one will tell you thou art’.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Awakening

As the days go by, I see myself being transformed by the Almighty God who created me. My smile is back, my springing steps are back, my funny giggles and chuckles are gradually emerging. I have started morning jogging. I guess a lot has to do with that. Thanks bro, for talking me into jogging again. It has always been part of me till i had a change of environment and slacked. I am glad of how i feel now but I am trusting the Almighty who has brought me this far to restore me back to where I belong. To the place of giants and eagles. Amen

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Turning point

The past months have been one of the most difficult periods of my adult life. I have been through what I call the 'baptism' of fire.

I have been through the worse form of discrimination and inconsideration. My ego has been bruised and my pride trampled on. I have been a complete shadow of myself. But I am coming back. I am gradually waking up from my slumber. God has sustained me and given me reason to smile again.

To his name be all the glory and honour. Amen

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dealing with frustration

Dealing with Frustration *

David A. Gershaw, Ph.D.

Various factors affect feelings of frustration – emotional responses to having your goals blocked. The feelings of frustration are more extreme if:

• the obstacles are perceived to be caused by other people,

• the goal is very important,

• you are very close to the goal,

• you have had many frustrations recently,

• and your frustration is greater than others around you.

How do people respond to frustration? How can people respond?

Most of you have heard the saying, "Frustration begets aggression." Direct aggression is expressed toward the object perceived as the cause of the frustration. If a machine doesn’t work, you might hit it or kick it. If someone gets in your way, you could verbally threaten them or push them aside. If that is too threatening, you might verbally assault them under your breath. (Aggression is not the best way to respond to frustration.)

If the source of the frustration is too powerful or threatening for direct aggression, displaced aggression is often used. The aggression is redirected toward a less threatening and more available object. There can even be a whole "chain" of aggression. If the husband is bawled out at work by the boss, it is too risky to try direct aggression. Instead, he may severely criticize his wife for not having supper ready on time. If the wife doesn’t want to deal with her husband’s aggression, she may displace her feelings toward her daughter, who has not cleaned up her room. Rather than challenging Mom’s authority, the daughter may yell at her younger sister, who comes in to "borrow" an article of clothing. Then the sister might kick the dog. (Maybe the dog could complete the chain by biting the boss!)

Prejudice is often an expression of displaced aggression. The original source of the frustration cannot be dealt with directly. Instead, another available target is found that is safer.

Aggression is not the only response to frustration. Techniques of escape, withdrawal and apathy can be used. When repeatedly frustrated, people can drop out of school, quit jobs, or move away. The abuse of drugs or alcohol is a futile attempt at withdrawal. (Whenever the effects wear off, users find themselves back in the same frustrating situation – or worse.) Psychosis is another attempt to escape. Apathy is giving up all of your goals, so you cannot be frustrated by trying to reach them.

However, there are more constructive responses to frustration. One of these is persistence – continued trying and increased effort. "If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again." Look at the life stories of famous people. Whether in science, sports, entertainment, politics or other fields – essentially all were frustrated in their early attempts to succeed. With repeated efforts, accumulated experience and some luck, they finally made it. For example, Thomas Edison had repeated failures, before he found something that could serve as a filament for the first incandescent light bulb.

Alternate responses to achieve a goal can also be constructive. For example, on a walk, suppose you encounter a wall that blocks your route. What can you do? Is it low enough to jump over it? Can you climb over it? Does a tree branch overhang the wall to allow you passage? If these responses are frustrated, you could look for a gate. If there is no gate, you might be able to walk around the wall.

In trying to achieve a goal, you may be able to plan alternate responses in advance. Many people make only one plan to reach their goal. If that plan is frustrated, they are lost. However, beside "plan A," you can also develop a "plan B," and even "plans C and D." If "plan A" does not work, things would not seem hopeless. Because of available options, the feelings of frustration are not as intense.

Part of this planning could involve consulting others who are experienced in reaching the goal. If students miss a lecture, most of them are aware that they can get the notes from other students. However, they may not think of attending the same lecture taught by the same teacher in other sections of that course. They may not be aware that there are tape recordings available for that lecture material. (I have several sections of my introductory psychology class and audio tapes of my lectures. Of course, if students consult me, I will remind them of these options.)

Having alternate goals can minimize potential frustration. If one goal is frustrated, another is available. Although it might not be the first choice, a compromise can still offer many rewards.

Originally, I wanted to be a high school teacher. My parents discouraged me, because that is not a lucrative profession. They wanted me to become a physician. Since I was interested in psychiatry, I tried pre-med for two years. During that time, I found that my colorblindness was a definite handicap. I changed to clinical psychology, the psychological field that is closest to psychiatry.

While I was in graduate school, I found that I could not handle a constant diet of other people’s problems. I suffered from "burnout." I changed majors from clinical to social psychology. I received a teaching assistantship, which brought me back to teaching again. Now I teach full-time and occasionally help students who have problems. It wasn’t the goal I originally planned, but it is very rewarding. (My parents were right about the pay though.)

People envy those who are successful,
but they seldom understand
the frustrations encountered along the way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NEW MONTH, 03/02/10

Its a new month and l would like to share a conversation I once had with a friend with you.

It was about how the single (unmarried) should stay pure according to the Bible that we both believe. He shared his struggles and made reference to scripture about 'how can a young man stay pure' and 'the evil I don't want to do is what I do but the good I want to do, I don't do'. I smiled and tried to encourage. Let me share with you what I shared then.

Friends who believe in the bible, we should all know that scripture is divine revelation and the commandments therein can only be followed through ''divine inspiration'. There is not a single commandment that we can single handedly obey without God's help through his Holy Spirit.

Trials and failure are necessary for growth. We should not be discouraged when we fall cos it is in 'falling' that we experience the love of God in our rising. God's divinity is made perfect anytime we call on him in our weaknesses. Let us therefore not be crushed by our weaknesses but be raised back to our feet by the everlasting love of God that lifts us up anytime we are down.
God looks at our desire to remain in him and perfects our little acts. It is by doing the little things in life so well that pleases the Lord. By and by, our small acts will become a 'mighty deed'. Let us remain in God with the confidence that he will never leave or forsake us.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Thoughts

Hi, there.

I just created this blog in order to share whats on my mind every now and then. It could be personal experience, other people experiences, copyright information, etc.

Stay put as you and I discover the world we never get to know so well.



 A PLATINUM ODE Agoo!! Agoo!! Shhh!! Shhh!!  What is this that I hear? What is this that I feel?  I can sense excitement in the air.  There ...